Fifty Years of Meeting Students' and Parents' Education Loan Needs

Welcome to OSLA
OSLA knows loan servicing and pledges to provide our customers with accurate information and courteous assistance in order to help them successfully manage repaying their student loans. Spanning 50 years, our service has positively impacted customers, helping them realize their dreams.
Commitment to Customers
OSLA's long-term goal is to continue to provide exceptional customer service for borrowers who have received student loans. OSLA has devoted considerable time, energy and resources developing Customer Service Representatives with knowledge and experience to provide exceptional service to our customers. OSLA has remained committed to providing customers with high level service as they repay thier student loans.
Exceptional Customer Service
OSLA is available to customers via the web, by email, by mail, toll-free phone, and onsite meetings. Borrowers may review account information, make payments and learn about deferments, forbearances, and payment plan options from our website. Additionally, borrowers may call our customer service department and ask questions about repayment in order to make the best decisions about managing their student loans.
High customer satisfaction is the single most important strength of OSLA. Our borrowers have been surveyed randomly for many years. Positive responses are given by our customers on a regular basis. OSLA staff is consistently rated by customers in the 90th percentile with good or excellent customer satisfaction ratings.
A Successful History
OSLA was created in 1972 as a public trust by the Oklahoma legislature for the benefit of the State of Oklahoma. We receive no appropriated funds from the State for our operating expenses. We pay all expenses from revenues derived from the administration of our education loan programs. Five trustees are appointed by the governor of Oklahoma, with consent of the Senate, serving overlapping five-year terms.
OSLA was recognized as an Exceptional Performer by the U.S. Department of Education by meeting and exceeding the standards for participants in the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program.
At the end of 2009, OSLA serviced $1.6 billion of student loans as our primary business. OSLA was the 23rd largest FFEL Program loan servicer in the nation, according to the 2010 Servicing Volume Survey by the industry group Student Loan Servicing Alliance, on December 31, 2009. In addition to servicing FFEL Program loans, OSLA originated loans prior to July 1, 2010; was a secondary market for FFEL loans; and performed origination and servicing of FFEL loans for 44 eligible lenders, members of the OSLA Student Lending Network.
Customer Service Focus
OSLA employees are experienced in servicing student loans efficiently and accurately.
We provide superior customer service to those borrowers with a well-trained staff that averages six years’ experience servicing student loans. Training, mentoring, quality control, customer surveys and follow-up calls are all tools utilized to ensure that borrowers’ needs are met throughout the life of their loan.
Default aversion initiatives include increased phone calls, collection letters and specialized letter correspondence. To comply with the U.S. Department of Education regulations and guidelines, OSLA employs conscientious follow-up with a helpful approach to the borrowers. Quick attention and communication with the borrowers help them learn their options in order to stay on track and avoid going into default. OSLA employs a variety of methods to locate current address and telephone information.
The Oklahoma Student Loan Authority (OSLA) performs loan servicing functions under the registered trade name OSLA Student Loan ServicingTM.